
Here is the activities schedule for 2018. Please come back to this page at the end of March for an updated list of activities for Connection Camp 2019.

A lot of the workshops are highly focused and sometimes intense, so it’s nice to have the whole weekend and the lighter activities to decompress or reflect on the nuances of what we learned.
— 2016 camper

Color Olympics


Color Olympics brings summer camp playfulness into lighthearted competition and team games. The tournament also invites campers to dive deeper than the competition to experiment with what it means to connect with others whether they're "on your side" or not.

Peep this video of last year's Human Size Hungry Hippos


evening activities

Circling in Auditorium.jpg

thursday: connection lab & SLEEPYTIME SOUNDBATH

Get ready to dive into playful relating games and connection exercises where you’ll get to know yourself and each other in a fun and profound way.  Then head back to your cabins or campsites for some bonding and settling in.  

Following Cabin-time, you're all invited to cozy up for Sleepytime Soundbath - combining live channeled vocal sound frequencies with our healing team's combining hands on energy work and touch.



We’ll kick off the night with a talent show MC’d by the incredible Rachel Santos and Vinny Bonanno. Read poetry, sing, dance, clown-it-up, play an instrument or tell us a story.  The Talent Show is a profound time of connecting with our self-expression as well as seeing and being seen by our community.





SEcret Sunset &
Dance party
& Bonfire

We will kick off our evening with an epic Secret Sunset experience. We are SO LUCKY that Bast Davies, the Founder of Secret Sunrise, is visiting us from South Africa to kick-off the United States expansion of this internationally growing movement.  Using silent disco headphones, you'll be facilitated through a musical journey of dance and play.  Experience Connection in a whole new way.

Then release into flow and celebration with DJ Journey Weaver guiding our spirits on an adventure.

choose your own adventure (Free time)


go hiking


Get some solo time


Journal & reflect


Chill on the lake


Explore your creativity


create new possibilities


Lounge in the pool


Find magic in connection


visit the healing pavilion